
Monday, October 12, 2015

WWII museum trip!!!

A couple weeks ago I was so thrilled to realize there was a WWII museum/history center that was only 40 minutes away from our house!! If you've been following my writing blog for any amount of time, you know I am slightly obsessed with that time period. Dad took my sister and I there on Saturday, September 5th and we had an amazing time! I actually uploaded these pictures and planned to have this post done a loonggg time ago. But. . .life. ;) Anyway, here are the pictures I took. Excuse the horrible quality. . .I was using my dad's phone camera.  Some of the pictures are numbered because there are two parts. The actual picture, and the description.

#2. Description

A silk map that was issued in 1944 and given to all the allied fighter pilots. Is showed the escape routes and safe areas for them to go if their plane crashed. It was kept sewn into their uniforms so that if they were captured and searched by the enemy, no one would be able to find them. The map had actually been donated like an hour before we got there!
#3. Description.
Standard Red Cross nurses's uniform issued during WWII.

#2. Description. (Although I'm sure all of you know what it is. ;) 

#2. Description.

#2. Description

#2. Description

Model 1940s american living room. The radio actually played speeches by the British prime minister, and American president which was really cool! 

At the bottom of this soldier's letter it says V-Mail. The story behind "V-Mail" is quite fascinating! You can read an article on it here. (Since I'd rather not copy and paste the whole thing! ;) ) 

The letter that was read to the troops the night before D-Day. 

#2. Description. El Dorado is the town where the museum is, about 40 minutes from Wichita.

Well, that's all of them! I had such an amazing time! The museum also has a research library that has shelves full of books about WWII. Like a room full of shelves. I told my dad I could have been there for another 2 hours and still felt like I hadn't seen everything. ;) I ended up coming back with 8 or 9 books, which have been invaluable in my research!
The day we went we were the only ones there, and so the man there ended up sorta being our personal tour guide. He was so helpful and it was amazing to learn more about my favorite time period. We got to the museum around 2:45pm. It closed at 4:00 and since it was small, dad though an hour would give us more then enough time.
Well. . .we were there until. 4:45pm. ;) Anyway, I'm sure by now you have heard enough to know that I LOVE the museum. We're planning another trip there at the end of this month and I'm sooo excited!! :D Also, there is a WWII battle re-enactment sponsored by the museum in November, which I'm also super excited about! ;)
I hope y'all are having an amazing week! I'll try to get back to more regular posts some time this week. . .or maybe next week. :)


  1. am I jealous! If I ever visit your family you'll have to take me there! ;) What a fascinating look into the past! I loved the parachute/wedding dress! So cool! :)

    1. Yes! That would be so much fun! :D
      It was fascinating to see it and the fabric is still in really good shape. It's amazing!

  2. It looks amazing!!! I really wish we could've got to go. :-/
    V-Mail?! *clicks link* hmm....This looks familiar... :P Battle of the Bulge, maybe that's where I'll 'put' Michael. ;)

    1. Well, I'm just glad we were able to meet! ;)
      Yeah, thanks for the article!
      Ooo, really? Please, tell more! B-)

  3. Looks like you learned a ton of stuff! I'm so glad there was a museum nearby!!!

  4. Wow, that looks like fun...though, personally, I'm biast towards world war one.
    R. Franklin

    1. It was fun! Yeah, WWI is really interesting too! I just studied it in school and found it quite fascinating how a lot of the problems that started WWII had their roots in WWI.
      Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. How exciting! Thanks for the pictures!
